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How to replace Failed Disk - NetApp


Identify the Failed Disk

To identify the failed disk you can verify using physically / logically.

NetappFiler>vol status -f
NetappFiler>aggr status -f

If your yet in-front of the disk shelf run below commands to ensure the disk. Anyway you see the LED light as RED

You should required a Administrator privilages for this.
NetappFiler>priv set advanced
Now your in Advanced mode. Be Very careful while running any commands in this mode.

NetappFiler*>blink_on DiskName

Disk LED will blink continuously

NetappFiler*>blink_off  DiskName
Disk LED blink will off

NetappFiler*>led_on DiskName
Disk LED will on

NetappFiler*>led_off DiskName
Disk LED will switchoff

Use this step in extreme Cases only. You can also bring back the disk online forcefully, but the same disk may fail again after few hours, if you did not have any spare drives you can try this as temporary solution.

Come back from Advanced mode to normal
NetappFiler>priv set

Enter into the diag mode
NetappFiler>priv set diag

Then run below command to bring disk online agian
NetappFiler*>disk unfail -s DiskName

come back from the diag mode to normal
NetappFiler*>priv set 

Replace your Disk by accessing the disk shelf physically then follow the steps to use new disk.

Verify newly added disk is detected as UN-owned disk
NetappFiler>disk show -n

Assign the disk to the pool
NetappFiler>disk assign DiskName

Verify the disk is added as a spare or not
NetappFiler> vol status -s
NetappFiler> vol status -f

Now you Disk is replaced successfully.

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