Wednesday, September 2, 2015

How to configure Netapp AutoSupport - NetApp Notes for NCDA

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What is Netapp AutoSupport.?

AutoSupport is nothing but "call home" feature, which will be achieved by BMC / SP hardware inbuilt in the Netapp controllers.

 BMC / SP are the hardware parts to collect the events, logging, power status, temperature status, voltage and other hardware status. These hardware parts are connected with inbuilt battery when power is gone, still BMC / SP will not go off immediately it will send an alert and it will go off.
    Netapp autosupport will help technical support team to analyze the problem and they will get back to you immediately to you if any problem found in your Netapp filer.

in order to enable the auto support you have to below prerequisites:

  1. You should have internet connectivity to your Netapp filer
  2. Your mail server should support to send at  least 10MB file size
  3. From your network / firewall 443 port should be allowed towards to Netapp

To complete AutoSupport configuration, fill in the following fields:

Configure the 'from' address 7-Mode
NetappFiler>options autosupport.from

autosupport modify -node <node name> -from <mail address>

Note: When you add a new 'from' address, it over-writes the existing 'from' address.

Define To Address 7-Mode

autosupport modify -node <node name> -to <mail address>,<mail address>

Add a mail server to transmit AutoSupport message
NetappFiler>options autosupport.mailhost host1,host2

autosupport modify -node <node name> -mail-hosts <Host name or IP>

Define the list of recipients for the AutoSupport short note e-mail, this short email is very useful because immediately you will receive an email when anything went wrong in the Filer.
options autosupport.noteto,

autosupport modify -node <node name> -noteto <mail address>

Above is the example options of AutoSupport.

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