Thursday, September 10, 2015

How to create an FTP user on a NetApp - Notes by ARK - NCDA

     Creating and configuring the FTP subsystem and creating a ftp user on a NetApp storage system so that an ftp share can be created for users. 

      Creating ftp user's in Netapp controller, you can use Netapp controller as a ftp server to upload and download the files and directory. 

  1. Create Volume
  2. Create Qtree in it
  3. Enable ftpd option
  4. Create ftp user and provide anonymous access

Creating Volume

ARK> vol create ftp aggr1 30m
Creation of volume 'ftp' with size 30m on containing aggregate
'aggr1' has completed.

Volume created successfully, Now go head and create an qtree in the volume.

Creating Qtree

ARK> qtree create /vol/ftp/ftphome

Now verify the qtree is created or not

ARK> qtree
qtree: This command is deprecated; using qtree status.
Volume   Tree     Style Oplocks  Status
-------- -------- ----- -------- ---------
vol0              unix  enabled  normal
vol1              unix  enabled  normal
ftp               unix  enabled  normal
ftp      ftphome  unix  enabled  normal

Now verify qtree permissions 

ARK> fsecurity show /vol/ftp/ftphome
[/vol/ftp/ftphome - Directory (inum 100)]
  Security style: Unix
  Effective style: Unix

  DOS attributes: 0x0010 (----D---)

  Unix security:
    uid: 0 (root)
    gid: 0
    mode: 0777 (rwxrwxrwx)

  No security descriptor available.

Enable ftpd Option

ARK> options ftpd.enable on
Thu Sep 10 22:32:39 IST [ftpd.service.on:info]: The FTP subsystem started.


Create FTP user and Provide access

Now see the content of the /etc/passwd file using below command 
ARK> rdfile /etc/passwd

Now copy all the output lines to notepad / text editor

Generate the ftp password using below command
ARK>cifs passwd ftp123

Now copy above generated password to the notepad and combine /etc/passwd file output and this output as below mentioned format

now write all the content to /etc/passwd file
 ARK> wrfile /etc/passwd

after pasting the content press CTRL+C

Now go to client machine and try to access the ftp 


Please provide your valuable comments....


  1. Can you please explain about ha pair .How it work in 7 mode .If one filer fails how everything moves to other filer (cifs nfs )and could pleae put cifs trouble shooting steps

  2. Nicely explained, thanks. Just wanted to know if it is accessible from GUI as well. like of something from external network

  3. Nicely explained, Thanks. Just wanted to know if it is accessible from GUI as well. Like from external network
